Product Introduction

Feelstone  develops and manufactures functional nano ceramic coatings
that can be applied to semiconductor, display,  air&aerospace, electronic parts, antibacterial, cookwears, architecture, and etc,.various industrial fields.

All products are developed and manufactured by Feelstone Inc.

Insulation coatings

Insulating coatings on electrical parts like IMS

Hard Coatings for PI(Polyimide) film

Flexible and high-hardness coatings

onPI or CPI films

Inorganic nano antibacterial material

Antibacterial / Antiviral / Deodorization

(VOC and odor removal, etc)

PFAS free Non-Sticky Coatings for cookware

Non-toxic / Excellent Non-sticky

Ambient & Low temperature curable  coatings

Room temperature or low temperature curable ceramic coatings for large scale surface

Anti-tarnish Coatings for silver

Preventing discoloration & tarnishment

with high hardness and high transparency

High heat resistant clear coatings

Akali resistance/ High heat resistance

High hardness / High transparency

Our Brand

Solbic is a brand that represents all products

manufactured and sold by Feelstone Inc.

Registered trademark(40-0939915)

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